Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney - The Nest read online ebook PDF, EPUB


A warm, funny and acutely perceptive debut novel about four adult siblings and the fate of the shared inheritance that has shaped their choices and their lives. Every family has its problems. But even among the most troubled, the Plumb family stands out as spectacularly dysfunctional. Years of simmering tensions finally reach a breaking point on an unseasonably cold afternoon in New York City as Melody, Beatrice, and Jack Plumb gather to confront their charismatic and reckless older brother, Leo, freshly released from rehab. Months earlier, an inebriated Leo got behind the wheel of a car with a nineteen-year-old waitress as his passenger. The ensuing accident has endangered the Plumbs' joint trust fund, "The Nest," which they are months away from finally receiving. Meant by their deceased father to be a modest mid-life supplement, the Plumb siblings have watched The Nest's value soar along with the stock market and have been counting on the money to solve a number of self-inflicted problems. Melody, a wife and mother in an upscale suburb, has an unwieldy mortgage and looming college tuition for her twin teenage daughters. Jack, an antiques dealer, has secretly borrowed against the beach cottage he shares with his husband, Walker, to keep his store open. And Bea, a once-promising short-story writer, just can't seem to finish her overdue novel. Can Leo rescue his siblings and, by extension, the people they love? Or will everyone need to reimagine the futures they've envisioned? Brought together as never before, Leo, Melody, Jack, and Beatrice must grapple with old resentments, present-day truths, and the significant emotional and financial toll of the accident, as well as finally acknowledge the choices they have made in their own lives. This is a story about the power of family, the possibilities of friendship, the ways we depend upon one another and the ways we let one another down. In this tender, entertaining, and deftly written debut, Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney brings a remarkable cast of characters to life to illuminate what money does to relationships, what happens to our ambitions over the course of time, and the fraught yet unbreakable ties we share with those we love.

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As much as we are motivated to make money, we often do not consider the crucial relationship between what we do today and how it can impact our life tomorrow.Navigates the boundaries of religion and politics to arrive at the universal experience of love." --G.Jansma is a brilliantly talented writer, but he also has a unique insight into what friends mean to one another, and what it means to be part of a city in which you never quite belong, but can't quite bring yourself to leave.New York in a Dozen Dishes distills Sietsema's 40 years of eating across the city into a set of essays on dishes from a cross-section of the city's international culinary landscape: a portrait of modern New York through its food.Here are some of the unusual suspects .With the help of a precocious 11-year-old tutee, who unknowingly becomes the Ghost of Marjorie Past, and a musician roommate, who looks like a pixie and talks like the Dalai Lama, Marjorie struggles with the ultimate question: Who does she want to be?The Cities are flourishing on Plato, and even trading with multiple alien species.From the city's early, devilish days populated by missionaries, robber barons, oil wells and orange groves, Chronicles of Old Los Angeles explains how the Wild West became the Left Coast.Esher shaped today's city; the university's contribution to the city's social, cultural, educational and scientific fabric was, and remains, inestimable.Whether you have an action-packed 24 hours or a leisurely week in which to take it all in, these guides are more essential than ever., Food, fashion and finance - those are the three raisons d'être of Italy's northern jewel.The truth is that, as women, we all have a unique relationship with money.In-depth coverage of all six playable characters, including abilities and skills.This study demystifies these perceptions by exploring their historical context.Although only eight blocks from the Historic Center of Mexico City, Tepito is a micro-universe, where life is a unique reality.Each route features a scavenger hunt that highlights the quirky and interesting sites along the way and includes tips on where to eat, drink, and stop to appreciate the view.", Portland is bicycle nirvana.