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Sowing Crisis : The Cold War and American Dominance in the Middle East by Rashid Khalidi read book DJV, MOBI


A lucid and provocative analysis of the legacy of the Cold War in the Middle East. During the 45 years of the Cold War, policymakers from the United States and the Soviet Union vied for primacy in the Middle East. Their motives, long held by historians to have had an ideological thrust, were, in fact, to gain control over access to oil and claim geographic and strategic advantage. In his new book, Rashid Khalidi, considered the foremost U.S. historian of the Middle East, makes the compelling case that the dynamics that played out during the Cold War continue to exert a profound influence even decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The pattern of superpower intervention during the Cold War deeply affected and exacerbated regional and civil wars throughout the Middle East, and the carefully calculated maneuvers fueled by the fierce competition between the United States and the USSR actually provoked breakdowns in fragile democracies. To understand the momentous events that have occurred in the region over the last two decades-including two Gulf wars, the occupation of Iraq, and the rise of terrorism-we must, Khalidi argues, understand the crucial interplay of Cold War powers there from 1945 to 1990. Today, the legacy of the Cold War continues in American policies and approaches to the Middle East that have shifted from a deadly struggle against communism to a War on Terror, and from opposing the Evil Empire to targeting the Axis of Evil. The current U.S. deadlock with Iran and the upsurge of American-Russian tensions in the wake of the conflict in Georgia point to the continued centrality of the Middle East in American strategic attention. Today, with a new administration in Washington, understanding and managing the full impact of this dangerous legacy in order to move America toward a more constructive and peaceful engagement in this critical arena is of the utmost importance. Review Publisher's Weekly - January 5, 2009 Khalidi provides a compelling history of modern conflict in the Middle East, arguing that current conflicts are by-products of the cold war and the policies, strategies and priorities of the United States and the Soviet Union. . . . Khalidi has written an important book, essential for anyone concerned about the stability of the Middle East. Review Kirkus - January 1, 2009 Though this brief work doesn't aim to be an exhaustive survey, it ably gets the reader up to speed on many of the disputes that have made the Middle East a flashpoint in today's U.S. foreign policy. . . . Concise look at a crucial period in one of the world's most explosive regions. Quotes A stunningly clear analysis of the geopolitics of Middle East conflicts from 1945 to today. A book not to be missed. -Immanuel Wallerstein, author of European Universalism: The Rhetoric of Power

Ebook Sowing Crisis : The Cold War and American Dominance in the Middle East DJV, EPUB, TXT

Contrasting Scholasticism with Islamic and Jewish medieval political philosophy, Parens clarifies the theme of Strauss's thought, what Strauss calls the "theologico-political problem," and reveals the significance of medieval political philosophy in the Western tradition.BR>Joshua Parens is professor of philosophy and politics and dean of the Braniff Graduate School at the University of Dallas., Leo Strauss is one of the foremost political thinkers of the twentieth century, known primarily for reviving the study of classical political philosophy.It thus contains material of vital importance for researchers of Islamic Law, Politics and Society in the Middle East and North Africa.In Cairo in the 1940s, Leila Ahmed was raised by a generation of women who never dressed in the veils and headscarves their mothers and grandmothers had worn.Radicalization??a term seemingly incessantly in use today.This book seeks to put the spotlight on second-order change that involves curriculum leadership and professional development support on the part of middle leaders for more sustainable and long-term change in teaching and learning that will influence what happens in classrooms.This book will tell the story of an Essex boy who became the patron saint of English soccer, revealing a lifetime of intrigue, triumph, and tragedy in between., "Immaculate footballerImperial defenderImmortal hero of 1966National treasureMaster of WembleyLord of the gameCaptain extraordinaryGentleman for all time." So reads the inscription beneath Bobby Moore's statue at Wembley stadium.In Mamluk and Ottoman times, the city took on a thriving commercial role and provided a base for the first European commercial factories and consulates in the Levant.Ottinger of Newport, EastTennessee has produced many of NASCAR’s great drivers.The author is especially critical of Western apologists who not only pretend that Islam is not inherently aggressive and dangerous, but also denigrate those who point out the threat to liberal values posed by fundamentalist Islamic ideology.Ever . As Isis and her mom settle into their new home in Buttcrack-of-Nowhere, Ohio, Isis is rockin' the purple hair and a beat up old car...and hoping like hell that no one learns that a) she used to be fat; and b) she used to have a heart.There was no job in the game and, famously, no knighthood.By engaging this topic linguistically, ethnically, culturally, and ontologically, the voices in this volume help separate "people" from its fraught associations to pursue more vital formulations.A work of impeccable scholarly rigour, Egypt and the Contradictions of Liberalism reveals the contemporary ramifications of the state of liberalism in Egypt.Nurul Ilmi Idrus considers the fundamental concept of "siriq" (honour; shame) in relation to gender socialization, courtship, sex within marriage, the regulation of sexuality between genders, the importance of kinship and status in marriage, and the dynamics of marriage, divorce, and reconciliation.