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Design Activism : Beautiful Strangeness for a Sustainable World download book FB2, PDF, DOC


Design academics and practitioners are facing a multiplicity of challenges in a dynamic, complex, world moving faster than the current design paradigm, which is largely tied to the values and imperatives of commercial enterprise. Current education and practice need to evolve to ensure that the discipline of design meets sustainability drivers and equips students, teachers and professionals for the near-future.Design Activism reveals the power of design for positive social and environmental change, design with a central activist role in the sustainability challenge. Design activists seek to fundamentally challenge how, where and when design can catalyse positive impacts to address sustainability. This book collates, synthesises and analyses design activist approaches, processes, methods, tools and inspirational examples/outcomes from disparate sources and, in doing so, creates a specific canon of work to illuminate contemporary design discourse.Design Activism provides a rigorous exploration of design activism that will re-vitalise the design debate and provide a solid platform for students, teachers, design professionals and other disciplines interested in transformative (design) activism., Design activists, a diverse range of designers, teachers and other actors, are setting new ambitions for design. They fundamentally challenge how, where and when design can catalyze positive impacts to address sustainability. They are also challenging who can utilize the power of the design process. This book provides a rigorous exploration of design activism that will revitalize the design debate and provide a solid platform for students, teachers, design professionals and other practitioners interested in transformative (design) activism. It provides a comprehensive study of contemporary and emergent design activism, collating, synthesizing and analyzing design activist approaches, processes, methods, tools and inspirational examples/outcomes from around the world. Inspired by past design activists and set against the context of global-local tensions, expressions of design activism are mapped. The nature of contemporary design activism is explored, from individual/collective action to the infrastructure that supports it generating powerful participatory design approaches, a diverse toolbox and inspirational outcomes. This is design as a political and social act, design to enable adaptive societal capacity for co-futuring.

Design Activism : Beautiful Strangeness for a Sustainable World download PDF, TXT, EPUB

Presents the only available, detailed overview of PV applications and guidance on how to build PV system in remote locations with limited infrastructure Includes discussions on how standalone, portable, and mobile systems can provide electricity during outages and times of crisis Contains detailed discussions of resilience, affordability, emissions, and cost comparisons between PV systems and other technologies such as diesel generators, wind turbines, and main grid connected applications Includes guidance on managing electrical needs during outagesThis book provides an important overview of current topics in intelligent transport systems and clean mobility.Contents Introduction Copyright Privacy and other gifts The resource in digital rights management The agent in digital rights management Digital rights metadata: describing rights and rights workflow The technology of digital rights management Putting the pieces together Bibliography Index, This book provides an overview of digital rights management (DRM), including: an overview of terminology and issues facing libraries, plus an overview of the technology including standards and off-the-shelf products.This book synthesizes both fundamental and advanced topics of a research area that has now reached maturity.Provides a systems biology perspective, including general guidelines and techniques for obtaining, integrating, and analyzing complex data sets from multiple experimental sources using computational tools and software.In this book, an international and interdisciplinary team of authors gives an extensive account of today s main areas of work in interior architecture and design.Collection of chapters from several well-known professors and researchers that will showcase their recent work * Presents different state-of-the-art control approaches and theory for complex systems * Gives algorithms that take into consideration the presence of modelling uncertainties, the unavailability of the model, the possibility of cooperative/non-cooperative goals and malicious attacks compromising the security of networked teams * Real system examples and figures throughout, make ideas concrete Includes chapters from several well-known professors and researchers that showcases their recent work Presents different state-of-the-art control approaches and theory for complex systems Explores the presence of modelling uncertainties, the unavailability of the model, the possibility of cooperative/non-cooperative goals, and malicious attacks compromising the security of networked teams Serves as a helpful reference for researchers and control engineers working with machine learning, adaptive control, and automatic control systemsThe outdoor pool plays a similar role in Iceland as does the cafe in France, the pub in England, the Mediterranean plaza or the Finnish sauna - it is a source of overall well-being and enjoyment.Realistically, this change can only be realized and sustained through engineering ingenuity, new concepts in design and by engineers having more confidence, which is currently lacking, in the use of these recycled and secondary materials (RSM), especially in terms of their engineering capabilities and environmental impact.Alloftheseaspectsrequirenewtheories, models, andalgorithmsforelectrical powersystemanalysis.