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Download The Dematerialized Insurance : Distance Selling and Cyber Risks from an International Perspective (2016, Hardcover) by FB2, TXT, DOC


This book adopts aninternational perspective to examine how the online sale of insurancechallenges the insurance regulation and the insurance contract, with a focus oninsurance sales, consumer protection, cyber risks and privacy, as well asdispute resolution. Today insurers, policyholders, intermediaries andregulators interact in an increasingly online world with profound implicationsfor what has up to now been a traditionally operating industry. While the growingthreats to consumer and business data from cyber attacks constitute majorsources of risk for insurers, at the same time cyber insurance has become thefastest growing commercial insurance product in many jurisdictions. Scholars andpractitioners from Europe, the United States and Asia review these topics fromthe viewpoints of insurers, policyholders and insurance intermediaries. In somecases, existing insurance regulations appear readily adaptable to the onlineworld, such as prohibitions on deceptive marketing of insurance products and unfaircommercial practices, which can be applied to advertising through social media,such as Facebook and Twitter, as well as to traditional written material. Inother areas, current regulatory and business practices are proving to beinadequate to the task and new ones are emerging. For example, the insurance industry andinsurance supervisors are exploring how to review, utilize, profit from andregulate the explosive growth of data mining and predictive analytics ("big data"),which threaten long-standing privacy protection and insurance riskclassification laws. This book's ambitiousinternational scope matches its topics. The online insurance market iscross-territorial and cross-jurisdictional with insurers often operatinginternationally and as part of larger financial-services holdingcompanies. The authors' exploration ofthese issues from the vantage points of the world's largest insurance markets -the U.S., Europe, Japan and China -provides a comparative framework, which isnecessary for the understanding of online insurance.

Ebook The Dematerialized Insurance : Distance Selling and Cyber Risks from an International Perspective (2016, Hardcover) DJV, PDF, FB2

Includes a Foreword from Nobel Laureate Harry M.Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language ArtsThe book consists of state-of-the-art chapters on Nevanlinna theory, F atou-Julia theory, entire and meromorphic functions, several complex v ariables, computer applications to complex analysis, line bundles, and collocation methods., This text consists of state-of-the-art chapters on Nevanlinna theory, Fatou-Julia theory, entire and meromorphic functions, several complex variables, computer applications to complex analysis, line bundles, and collocation methods., This volume consists of papers presented in the special sessions on "Complex and Numerical Analysis," "Value Distribution Theory and Complex Domains," and "Use of Symbolic Computation in Mathematics Education" of the ISAAC'97 Congress held at the University of Delaware, during June 2-7, 1997.The chapters examine a range of contemporary economic issues, including fiscal and monetary policy, financial markets and business behaviour, inequality and privatisation, and innovation and environmental change.Though presented as a book about place, the collection is ultimately about our shared connections to one another, to a complex common past, and to ongoing efforts to frame and build a future of promise and possibility.Book & CD-ROM.Did you know that lowering the temperature of your thermostat by a mere 2 degrees Fahrenheit could reduce your energy bill by 10 percent?In this book, Lisa Parks explores the complex relations between media and security and uses the term "coverage" to develop a conceptual framework for understanding them.Directors and Officers Liability: Prevention, Insurance and Indemnification examines such topics as: the risks officers and directors face; derivative and class actions; when insurance is available; and when a corporation is requiredor allowedto provide indemnification.It was the perfect place for a slick, smooth-talking, charismatic lawyer named Leo Koretz to entice hundreds of people to invest as much as $30 million--upwards of $400 million today--in phantom timberland and nonexistent oil wells in Panama.It was the perfect place for a slick, smooth-talking, charismatic lawyer named Leo Koretz to entice hundreds of people to invest as much as $30 million--upwards of $400 million today--in phantom timberland and nonexistent oil wells in Panama.In fact, Carlson argues, if you know how to weather today stormy markets, investing in them can be very profitable.